

Preventing Arrhythmia

Arrhythmia There are many possible causes of arrhythmia. It could be congenital or present at birth. It can also be caused by environmental factors such as stress or emotional trauma. An arrhythmia can be caused by lifestyle choices like smoking, drinking, or using illegal drugs. An arrhythmia could also be caused by another condition such ...


Understanding Psoriasis: Symptoms, Treatments and More

Children’s psoriasis symptoms There are many types of psoriasis. Each type has its own symptoms. These are the most common signs of psoriasis: Must Read: why this is the best abdominal exercise we know of These raised skin patches are frequently reddish and covered in whitish silver scales. They are often mistakenly thought to be ...


What are the signs of autism in teenagers?

ASD symptoms are not the same for everyone. However, autism signs in teenagers are not that different than in adults or children. Also Read: Here is a summary of the DSM-5 autism diagnostic criteria Communication difficulties, such as difficulty in having conversations or misunderstanding gestures Being extremely focused on or restricted in your behavior. ...


Sourdough starter recipe

This guide is comprehensive and contains tons of information. It also answers all my questions as I learned this. To make it as easy as possible for you to find the information you are looking for, I used headings whenever possible. What is sourdough, you ask? Sourdough starter can be used as a homemade leavening ...


Everything you need to know about anxiety

What are anxiety disorders? Anxiety about moving, starting a job or taking a test is normal. Although it is uncomfortable, this type of anxiety can motivate you to do better work and be more productive. Normal anxiety is a temporary feeling that does not disrupt your daily life. Must Read: An anxiety disorder can ...


How to recognize Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Neck

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition in which the body’s immune systems mistakenly attack the lining of the joint. Overactive immune systems can cause inflammation, which results in stiffness, pain, swelling, or other symptoms. Rheumatoidarthritis can begin in the small joints of your feet and hands. The disease can progress to other parts of ...


Arthritis and Secondary Sjogren’s Syndrome

What is secondary Sjogren syndrome? Sjogren’s syndrome, an autoimmune disorder, damages moisture-producing cells making it difficult for saliva and tears to be produced. Infiltration of lymphocytes into target organs is a hallmark of the disease. Primary Sjogren’s syndrome is when Sjogren’s syndrome manifests by itself. Must Read: would you eat like a health coach Secondary ...


All You Need to Know About Antibiotics for Meningitis

Meningitis refers to an infection that causes swelling of the membranes (meninges), that protect your brain, spinal cord and brain. This infection can cause severe, long-lasting health problems such as hearing loss and nerve damage. Must Read: smoking ribs on a smoker There are many types of meningitis. The most common type of meningitis is ...


Having an online GP Consultation 

If you have any concerns about your health, it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor. He or she can help you determine whether you need to see a specialist, get a second opinion, or take any other action. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your doctor consultation. You ...


How to “Spring Twist Hair”?

Spring Twist Hair Tips To Keep Your Natural Hair Shiny & Healthy Spring twist hair is the ultimate in braiding and natural hairstyles. Although the year is only beginning, it has already brought life to many new styles of protection, including this one. Spring twists are not only cute, but they also have many benefits ...